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Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

NOFX - Live @ BMX T Mobile Extreme Playgrounds

NOFX - Live @ BMX T Mobile Extreme Playgrounds

intinya, pengambilan gambar nya bagus banget.. dilabelin "Pro Shot" sama yg upload..:D
walaupun sempat jadi perbincangan yg hangat, soalnya bersamaan dengan pro shot itu, label MTV muncul di 3 lagu mereka, well itu versi youtube nya sih.. ga tau kalo versi yg ini. Soalnya ga download yang ini..:p
Great Video!!!


01. Intro
02. Linoleum
03. Seeing Double At The Triple Rock
04. Stickin' In My Eye
05. Mattersville
06. The Quitter
07. Louise
08. Radio
09. Murder The Government
10. The Brews
11. My Orphan Year
12. Champs Elysees
13. The Separation Of Church And Skate
14. Perfect Government
15. Eat The Meek
16. The Man I Killed
17. Bottles To The Ground
18. Do What You Want smile.gif
19. The Desperation's Gone
20. Leaving Jesusland
21. Reeko
22. Franco Un-American
23. Bloody Cunt (New Song)
24. Bob
25. Whoops, I OD'd
26. Kill All The White Man
27. Outro

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean

White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
01. soul doubt
02. stickin in my eye
03. bob
04. you're bleeding
05. straight edge
06. liza and louise
07. the bag08. please play this song on the radio
09. warm
10. i wanna be your baby
11. johnny appleseed
12. she's gone
13. buggley eyes

Reviews from Official Web
Back to West Beach with Donnel Cameron. I don't remember that much about this album. Erik had just quit heroin and he was still sick. Two days after we finished, Erik checked himself into a rehab and stayed there for two months. That was 7 years ago and he has been totally sober ever since. Cool. He won't even eat chicken if it has wine sauce on it. He made it clear that NOFX was more important to him than drugs. Anyway, I don't remember how long this album took, but I do remember it took me a fuck of a long time to sing. Standard.

Reviews From

Reviews from me
Album yang keren menurutku. diawali dengan 3 lagu bertempo fast, dan bisa dibilang lagu NOFX yg melegenda. Bob, Stickin in my eyes, shoul doubt. awal yg bagus menurut saya..
hmm..dilanjutkan ke dg lagu straight edge, lagu dari minor threat yg dibawakan secara sempurna oleh el hefe(dalam jazz).. album ini adalah full lenght pertama bagi el hefe..
ada yang bilang kalo lagu ini merupakan lagu lelucon dan sindiran bagi para sXedgers(saya setuju sama ini), ato mungkin memang pada saat itu mereka masih termakan oleh sXe movement. tapi saya temukan di web mereka "In 1983 three of the four members were into the straight edge movement following Minor Threat's first single, but we were never a straight edge band, OK?", oh iya, tentu saja selain smelly, dia menghindari alcohol dan drugs hingga sekarang.
ada juga lagu yg menurut saya briliant.hehehe liza and louise, lagu yang menggambarkan kesukaan fat mike pada lesbians..oiya, dengan ditambahin lagu sedih yang dikemas apik di she's gone
Oiya, album ini sebenernya bernama White Trash, Two Kikes, and a Spic,.. white trash(buat drummernya, mungkin karena dia dah ga doing drugs ama alcoholic jadi di bilang trash). spic adalah offensive name buat hispanic(hefe), begitu juga kikes(dengan 2 orang yahudi didalamnya, fat mike and melvin)
well..album yang bagus menurut saya..dg eksperiment2 baru semacam johny applesed, buggley eyes n straight edge di dalamnya.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Insanely huge NOFX discography review posted

Insanely huge NOFX discography review posted

A dedicated fan, has posted a massive NOFX discography review spanning the band's entire catalog and 27 year livespan. The four part series looks kindly on controversial albums like 1991's Liberal Animation calling it a " truly notable achievement." but seems less fond of S&M Airliness. Of course, the review speaks well of the band's 1994 breakthrough Punk In Drublic noting "stupendous songwriting." It's worth noting that the writer looks at the intervening 7-inches and EPs including The Decline which it notes " beats Green Day to American Idiot's punch" Each segment also includes a discography "mix tape" to provide some musical context for the writing.

maksudnya ada fans berat dari NOFX yang mereview semua album dari awal NOFX kebbentuk ampe sekarang..
ane sendiri belom kelar bacanya..sumpah buanyak banget..berminat membaca ??



01. green corn
02. the moron brothers
03. shower days
04. food, sex and ewe
05. just the flu06. el lay
07. new boobs
08. cheese
09. where's my slice?
10. together on the sand
11. brain constipation
12. gonoherpasyphlaids
13. i don't want you around
14. the malachi crunch

Review From Official Web

Once again we went back to west beach with Brett. This record took 12 days. For some reason we were playing a lot of chess during the recording. I swear every 20 minutes me and Brett would play a game of speed chess, and then mix another song. This record was important. It was the first nofx record that people actually liked. I think we finally got our sound. We took a little bad religion, di, rkl, and came up with the nofx sound. Now when we went on tour, people showed up and enjoyed themselves. It was weird. No one really liked us very much before. So right when we started getting popular, our guitarist Steve quit to join a rock band. Oh well, that's when we got El Hefe. This record sold 8000 copies the first year. That was a lot. Flipside liked this one.

Review from

Review from me
dari album ini menurut saya musik mereka berubah dari album mereka..terlihat mereka mulai menemukan musik yang pas buat mereka..
kenapa NOFX tidak maen seperti sebelum album ini(dengan tempo fast dan tanpa variasi musik seperti ska, rege, etc) ada yang menjawab salahkan Bad Religion atas hal itu..saya rasa hal itu mungkin saja
overall menurut saya album ini lebih bagus daripada album sebelumnya..:D
Soal El hefe, ternyata dia baru bergabung di Band setelah NOFX melakoni tour setelah merilis ribbed, seperti disebutkan dibawah ini..

NOFX adjusted their sound for their 1991 Epitaph release, Ribbed. Epitaph invested heavily in NOFX, spending much time honing the vocals. Vocal harmonies reminiscent of Bad Religion found their way into the album which had cover art featuring a picture of a condom. In addition, NOFX released their first ballad on the innuendo-laden project. A song was even written about societies' false portrayals and facades throughout Southern California titled "New Boobs?" The group had achieved big-time punk status by this time and ventured once again to Europe along with The Leaving Train, Bad Religion, and Mudhoney. After the tour, an audition was held for a new guitar player because the previous guitarist departed for fear of falling into addictive druguse. Aaron Abeyta was so impressive on the guitar and trumpet that he was chosen as the new addition and given the name El Hefe, as he was the most skilled musician of the bunch.