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Senin, 13 September 2010

Stupid Question..NoFX or NOFX ??

In this world..there are two main NOFX fans..

N"o"FX fans and NOFX fans..
Which is true.??!?

I got some Interview here..

I found this..

Todd: Technical question. NoFX or NOFX?

Fat Mike: All big. That was a Doug Moody thing and some how we got a small “o” being on Mystic.

Todd: What does it stand for?

Fat Mike: Well, it’s stupid, but when we started the other guys in the band were straight edge, I wasn’t. So, NOFX.

so..which one is true?

1 komentar:

  1. makasih udah naro link blog sya,, link kamu mau saya pasang juga>??
